Culture Brazil Austin

Brazilian-American community in Austin


Cultura Brasil Austin is a non-profit educational and cultural organization dedicated to preserving and promoting Brazilian culture and pride, based on our folklore, history, language and living traditions - dance, music, theater and all variety of artistic expressions

Services and programs

Offering a wide range of programs and events, such as language classes, workshops, cultural festivals and art exhibitions, the CBA serves as a vital center for cultural enrichment and education in the Austin community.

Brazilian-American reference

We also want to be a reference in providing services to the Brazilian-American community, contributing to its development and integration into local life.

Rich cultural heritage

Brazil has a rich heritage based on the original indigenous tribes, West Africa and Portuguese ancestry. We strive to serve as a focal point to facilitate the sharing of culture between the Brazilian-American community and the Austin community at large, especially through the Brazilian-American Cultural Center.

supporting the Brazilian community

Building bridges


Keeping Brazilian culture alive

Check out upcoming events in Austin
Building a community

Our history


Projeto Brasil is born with a focus on educational activities


The CBA is born to expand and strengthen Brazilian culture


Creation of a calendar of Brazilian cultural events


CBA officially becomes a 501(c)3 non-profit


Brazil Project partners with UT’s Portuguese Flagship program


Brazil Project elected Community Organization 2021-2022 by AOTP – receiving award at Harvard


CBA creates Fundraising Committee and consolidates/expands partnership with Haute Spot


Bilingual Minds, Austin’s first Portuguese-English preschool, is born

Get to know Projeto Brasil

Internationally recognized
Brazilian culture outside Brazil

Cultura Brasil Austin initiatives

Learn about some of the CBA's various initiatives


Portuguese library of books, games and more

Learn more
Bilingual Minds

Portuguese-English bilingual preschool

Mothers in Austin

Community of Mothers in Austin and region

Women in Austin

Community of women in Austin and region


Village Project

Projeto Brasil

Educational project since 1999 in Austin

Newcomers' guide

Guide for those arriving in Austin

Read more
Brazilian events

Brazilian events in Austin and region

See all
Culture Brazil Austin

Cultural center responsible for all initiatives

Featured projects

Learn more about CBA's projects

Award-winning educational initiative

Projeto Brasil

We emphasize the importance of the Portuguese language through Projeto Brasil, our community school that offers classes in Portuguese as a heritage language and as a second language, as well as English classes (ESL) for those who are adapting to the United States and American culture.

Community Organization Award

First English-Portuguese bilingual preschool

Bilingual Minds

Bilingual Minds offers several programs for your loved one, including: Toddler, Preschool, and Afterschool. Registration is now open, click on the button below for more information.

Where curiosity is cultivated, learning is fun and bilingualism is a lifelong benefit

Other projects

The CBA is the creator of several initiatives in the Austin area. We offer support to the Brazilian community and promote culture through our projects.


It offers support, community and inclusion. It is also a CBA initiative for families with children with diagnoses.

Brazilian women and mothers in Austin (MBA)

Brazilian Women of Austin, Austin Classifieds and Brazilian Mothers of Austin are also CBA initiatives.

Company directory

We are reforming our directory. Register your company for free here.

Use our wishlist!

Did you know that you can buy the materials directly? Access the list here

Investing in the future

How can you contribute?

The CBA is a non-profit that depends on donations to continue working with our community. Your contribution in money or time can help:


Children and adults


Cultural events


Operational structure


Support for those in need

Many thanks to all our supporters!

Institutional supporters

Embrace this cause

How can you help?

Monetary donation
We need your help

We are a non-profit organization that promotes and supports Brazilian culture in Austin and the surrounding area. Without financial support we can’t maintain ourselves. Your help is very welcome!

Donate your time and skills

Become a volunteer and help us with various activities, from administrative support to more specific tasks. Check out the volunteer wall and donate your time and precious skills!

Get to know our projects and spread the word

You can also be a spokesperson for our projects. We will offer various social and cultural activities in the community and the more people who hear about the values transmitted, the more people can be positively impacted.

O CBA tem o prazer de anunciar um desconto especial para nossos membros CBA+ com nossos parceiros!

Family Integrated Nutrition oferece um desconto de 10% em todos os seus serviços. Melhore sua saúde e bem-estar com a ajuda de seus profissionais com nutrição personalizada para sua família.

Para saber mais sobre Family Integrated Nutrition e seus serviços, visite

Aproveite o seu desconto! Entre em contato com Family Integrated Nutrition diretamente pelo telefone (858) 405-8144. Lembre-se de mencionar que é membro do CBA+ para receber o seu desconto.

Para ver a lista completa de nossos parceiros CBA+, acesse:

#cbapartners #cbamais #cbaparceiros #descontoAustin #Saúde #BemEstar
Fortalecendo nossa comunidade, um parceiro CBA+ de cada vez!

Apresentamos o Mayoli Movement - Physical Therapy & Feldenkrais, parceiro CBA+ que oferece bem-estar físico e mental para todos. Aproveite descontos exclusivos para nossos associados CBA+, com 10% a 20% OFF em tratamentos ILIB, aulas de Pilates, Fitness e Workshops.

Cuide do seu corpo e mente com o Mayoli Movement. Acesse a lista completa de nossos parceiros CBA+ em

Benefícios CBA+ com o Mayoli Movement:
10% a 20% de desconto em tratamentos ILIB, aulas de Pilates, Fitness e Workshops.

Contato: (347) 413-0052 |

#cbapartners #cbamais #cbaparceiros #descontoAustin #SaúdeBemEstar #AustinTX #CBA #MayoliMovement
Exposição Energias  Sutis Inaugura Hoje!
O CBA tem o prazer de destacar um de nossos parceiros CBA+ de longa data: LuPrado Design + Build!

Construindo Austin com qualidade e estilo, a LuPrado oferece uma variedade completa de serviços de design e decoração. Como membro do nosso programa CBA+, eles estão oferecendo um desconto exclusivo de 10% em todos os seus serviços para nossos membros.

Aproveite esta oportunidade para trabalhar com uma empresa comprometida com a excelência e apoiadora da nossa comunidade. Confira todos os nossos parceiros CBA+ aqui:

Para mais informações sobre a LuPrado Design + Build e para agendar uma consulta, visite: ou ligue (512) 588-9284.

#cbapartners #cbamais #cbaparceiros #descontoAustin #construção #LuPradoDesign
Help Cultura Brasil Austin

We accept donations in all forms

Information about the CBA and Austin

Follow our blog

Cadastro de interesse
Aldeia Registration Form (PT)
Cadastro de empresas
Business Registration Form (PT)

Dados pessoais

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